Competition Squash

Competitive Squash for All Levels

Nerang has competition squash options to cater for every player. There are in-house competitions for those who don’t want to travel, and an inter-club competition for those who want to test themselves against the best from other clubs.

Details for the different structured competitions are below!

In-House Competitions 

Monday Evenings



Time: 6:00pm onwards

Format: Play against opponents of similar standard, best of 5 games, all levels catered for. Contact the centre to join the competition.

Thursday Evenings

Gold Coast Squash Pennant


Thursday Evening

Grades – Open, A, B, C and D grades. All standards involved.

Play on Thursday nights for the Nerang Squash Club in the Gold Coast Squash pennant against teams from Southport, Labrador and Carrara.

Time: 7:00pm onwards (6:00pm when playing at Carrara)

Format: Teams of four, best of 5 games, point a rally to 15