Social Squash

Nerang Squash Club (NSC)
The Nerang Squash Club is an Incorporated Association whose primary purpose is to conduct, encourage, promote, advance and administer squash and social activities for members.
By joining the Nerang Squash Club you can receive discounts on club practice, and social functions.
Various social functions will be held during the year including squash and non-squash activities.
Details for the different structured competitions are below!
Saturday Club Practice
Saturday Afternoons
Come on down to practice with your fellow club members. You can choose to do some drills or have some practice games.
Cost: $13 (members), $17 (non-members)
Doubles social competition from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, just pay an additional $7 (members), $8 (non-members).
Time: 12:00pm to 2:30pm

Saturday Club Practice
Saturday Afternoons
Come on down to practice with your fellow club members. You can choose to do some drills or have some practice games.
Cost: $13 (members), $17 (non-members)
Doubles social competition from 2.30pm to 4.30pm, just pay an additional $7 (members), $8 (non-members).
Time: 12:00pm to 2:30pm

Saturday Doubles Squash
Nerang Squash and Fitness Centre run a social doubles hit on a Saturday afternoon. To ensure a great hit for everyone we partner you up on the day so that each partnership can be as competitive as possible.
Cost: $13 per week (NSC members), $17 (non-members), or $7 if you paid to play club practice that same Saturday.
Time: 2:30pm to 4:30pm
TUESDAY Ladies Social Squash
Ladies squash in a fun, relaxed environment. All standards are welcome. Come along and play a variety of players for as long, or as little as you like. The squash is usually followed with a light supper and glass of wine!
Cost: $15 per week
Time: From 7:00pm
Format: All standards

Tuesday Ladies Social Squash
Ladies squash in a fun, relaxed environment. All standards are welcome. Come along and play a variety of players for as long, or as little as you like. The squash is usually followed with a light supper and glass of wine!
Cost: $15 per week
Time: From 7:00pm
Format: All standards